More of the D'Angelico Collection on display at The American Guitar Museum

1810 New Hyde Park Road, New Hyde Park, New York 11040
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The Cello Body Guitar

Bearing testament to D'Angelico's willingness to experiment, this instrument was built for
Tommy Lucas (guitarist in the pit orchestra of the Ed Sullivan Show for more than a decade.
It was a commerical cello body fitted with a D'Angelico neck, fingerboard, and tailpiece.

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Photo copyright 1997 David C. Smith/Infinite Images

Benny Mortel's 1945 D'Angelico Excel (#1592)

Atypical but original finish, this instrument appears in the wedding scene of the first Godfather film
and was featured extensively on the film's soundtrack.

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Photo copyright 1997 David C. Smith/Infinite Images

The 1932 D'Angelico Ukulele

Commissioned by jazz great Benny Mortel for his future wife, quite likely the first
blonde D'Angelico instrument.

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Photo copyright 1997 David C. Smith/Infinite Images

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